Bob's Best Vegetable Glycerine Low Glycemic Sweetener 500 ML

100% Pure Vegetable Glycerin is a safe, permitted low glycemic index sweetener. It does not contain carbohydrates or cholesterol. Food grade vegetable glycerin consists of 99.7% fatty esters, made from either coconut or palm oil. The remainder is 0.3% vegetable glycerine water.

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Bob's Best Vegetable Glycerine Low Glycemic Sweetner 500 ML

Glycerine is a clear, odorless liquid with a moderately sweet taste. It was first established in Sweden in 1979 by K.W. Scheele.

Food grade vegetable glycerin consists of 99.7% fatty esters, made from either coconut or palm oil. The remainder is 0.3% vegetable glycerine water.

Our glycerin is produced from vegetable sources and has approximately 27 calories per teaspoon and is 60% as sweet as sucrose.

Glycerin is most commonly used in the home as a low G.I. sweetener for baking.

If you want to avoid sugar in your diet, vegetable glycerin can be a huge help.
You can still use it in baking your favorite cookies and cakes.

100% Pure Vegetable Glycerin is a safe, permitted low glycemic index sweetener. It does not contain carbohydrates or cholesterol.

Suggested use:

A little bit goes a long way - just one tablespoon of vegetable glycerin equals about 1/4 cup of sugar. However, when the glycerine is heated, some of its flavor can evaporate, so you can use a little more in cooked products. It is best to mix it in sauces after they have been cooked.

Kosher & Vegan:

Vegetable Glycerine is Kosher and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. It can also be used in recipes as a replacement for glycerine of animal origin.


About 27 calories per teaspoon.

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